Thursday, April 25, 2013

Find latitude, longitude from Address with python

import json
from StringIO import StringIO
import urllib2

address_geo = 'gandhinagar,india'
url = '' %        address_geo.replace(' ', '+')
response = urllib2.urlopen( url )
responseBody =
body = StringIO( responseBody )
result = json.load(body)
if 'status' not in result or result['status'] != 'OK' or result['results']==[]:
    return False
    print  result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
    print  result['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Install OpenERP 7.0 in Ubuntu
1. Install and Configure PostgreSQL database server

  • Below command will install the postgreSQL.
    sudo apt-get install postgresql

  • Change the postgres user so we have the necessary privileges to configure the database.
    sudo su - postgres

  • Create a new database user, same as the system user. it is because while starting the openerp server, openerp will find the same database user as the system user. Command to create new postgres user is
    createuser -d -S -R <username>


  • Go to the postgres prompt by running a command psql in terminal.

  • Now change the postgres user password by writting a database query.
    alter user serpent05 with password "password";


2. Install the necessary Python libraries for the server

  • Run this command in terminal to install dependent python libraries for OpenERP 7.0
    sudo apt-get install python-dateutil python-docutils python-feedparser \
python-gdata python-jinja2 python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako \
python-mock python-openid python-psycopg2 python-psutil python-pybabel \
python-pychart python-pydot python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson \
python-tz python-unittest2 python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav \
python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-zsi python-pip

  • Install python gdata
    sudo pip install gdata --upgrade

3. Register yourself with Launchpad.

  • After finishing the registration go to launchpad profile page.

4. Install Open-SSH client

  • Run the below commad to install the Open-SSH client. For getting the latest & updated code from the launchpad.
sudo apt-get install openssh-client

  • Generate ssh public and private key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa


  • Default location of the “” file is home/.ssh/ which includes the public ssh key, open the file with text-editor and copy the public key.   

  • Open Launchpad Account Click on pencil icon to add the public ssh key.

  • Paste the SSH key in and click import public key

  • SSH key will allow to get the updated or latest code from the Launchpad using Bazaar(version control system) commands.

5. Get the latest code of OpenERP 7.0 from Launchpad
  • Install Bazaar using
    sudo apt-get install bzr

  • Run bzr commands to get the latest code of OpenERP

    bzr branch lp:openobject-server/7.0
    bzr branch lp:openobject-addons/7.0

  • bzr branch will get the latest code from the Launchpad.

6. Configure the PostgreSQL

  • Install PostgreSQL GUI, run below command in terminal to install.
    sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
  • Open the pgadmin and click on “Add new server connection“ from upper left corner.

  • It will open new window. Fill the server information as shown in the screenshot. Username and password should be same as the database user.

7. Start the OpenERP server

  • change the directory in the terminal to the OpenERP server using cd command. e.g.
    cd workspace/openerp/7.0/server

  • after changing the path run the server with addon path
    ./openerp-server --addons ../addons/,../web/addons/

8. Start the OpenERP web-client
    In browser URL you have put your IP with OpenERP port, here in example