Module Structure : Module Structure Consider Following Things :
1.OpenERP Addons (openobject-addons) OpenERP business modules :
Addons provides the extra functionality to create our module
and enhance the capability of themodule. OpenERP Addons
hosts the functional business modules of openerp
covering:accounting, sales, crm, purchases, warehouse,
manufacturing, project, human resources, marketing,
knowledge, point-of-sale, and much more...
1. __init__.py
2. __openerp__.py
3. Filename.py (Your model file )
4. filename_view.xml :
Menu entries
Step 1: Create the __init__.py file in the new folder you
have created for the module, in the addons directory.
The __init__.py file must have a line to import the main
python(.py) file you intend create for the module.
Having the __init__.py file in your modulemakesthe
code a package.
Step 2: Create a module description file (i.e __openerp__.py)
The __openerp__.py file provides a description of the
module you want to create.
Step 3: Create your python file it containing the objects.
(Infact thats your module)This file you have defined(import)
in your __init__.py file.
step 4 :Create your view.xml file .XML located in the module directory
are used to modify the structure of the database.
1. Initialization and demonstration data declaration.
2. Views declaration :
Views are a way to represent the objects on the client-side.
They indicate to the client how to layout the data coming from
the objects on the screen.
There are two types of views:
form views, tree views
3. Report declaration :
OpenERP uses a flexible and powerful reporting system.
Reports are generated either in PDF or HTML.
Reports are designed on the principle of separation between
the data layer and Presentation layer.
4. Wizard declaration :
5. Workflow declaration. s
The objectsand the views allow you to define a new forms very
simply lists/trees/ and interactions between them.
The workflow describes these interaction with graphs.
One or several workflows may be associated with the objects.
Workflows are not mendatory.
In this figure ,Left side column will be reprsente the list
of Modules. When you Extract the module you will be easily
see the four file which will be discussed above topic.